Junior Vikram Singh traveled to Taiwan this summer as a part of the National Security Language Initiative Youth program (NSLI-Y). The program allowed him to immerse himself in the culture and further his understanding of Chinese. In addition to the program, he was also able to go sightseeing at multiple famous landmarks such as Taipei 101 and the National Palace Museum. This experience helped him improve his Chinese fluency.
Junior Maddox Canham went to the Galapagos Islands for 2 weeks with a community service program called Projects Abroad. The main reason he went abroad was to do conservation work, and what better place to go than the Galapagos, which is known for its great biodiversity. During his first week, Canham worked with children at an afterschool program to teach English. He spent his second on environmental conservation efforts. In addition to his work, Canham was also able to practice his Spanish, immersing himself in Ecuadorian culture.
Junior David Gershenson traveled to Poland, learning about the experiences of European Jews during World War II. He learned a lot after visiting the ghettos and work camps in Poland. Visiting the Auschwitz and Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camps and the Treblinka death camp, he learned about the horrors Jewish people during World War II endured. Gershenson then traveled to Israel for a sightseeing trip. He saw how people persevere after their struggles in Poland. He learned about the history of the many landmarks that he visited.