Junior Maddox Canham looks for trash scattered around Bachman Lake.
Hockaday and St. Mark’s junior classes held a joint community service event at Bachman Lake, removing trash from the area Sept. 17.
“We filled over 10 bags with just straight trash,” junior Maddox Canham said. “The lake was so nasty with so much trash in it, but we cleaned up more than I expected over the two-hours we were there.”
This was the first time this event had occurred, and it was successful. Now students are hoping for more events like this in the future because it brought the Hockaday and St. Mark’s junior classes together.
“I really enjoyed it,” junior William Morrow said. “It’s really a win-win because you get community service hours and you get to socialize with people who you don’t necessarily socialize with all the time.”
Canham has many different community service experiences, but this was definitely one of his favorites.
“The last two years, I’ve done 100 hours each year,” Canham said. “It was a lot more fun than other events because there’s a lot more people that you know.”