Junior Daniel Deng and Junior Akul Mittal work on the lab together.
Junior Daniel Deng explained what happened at the most recent Biology club Meeting.
Q: What lab did you perform today?
Junior Daniel Deng:
We performed a lab where we spread and cultured a specific strain of E. Coli in LB agar plates.
Q: What tools did you use?
We used an inoculating loop; it’s like a stick with metal wire and a loop on it. We also used bunsen burners, and we used plates with LB agar.
Q: What procedure did you follow?
First we heated up the inoculating loop, and that’s just to sterilize it. Then we took a plate of E. Coli and our inoculating loop, and we scraped the E. Coli off the plate and transferred it to a new LB agar plate. We documented which plate the E. Coli came from and closed the new plate. Then, we sterilize the inoculating loop.
Q: Did you enjoy the lab?
I did enjoy it very much. I find the process of culturing bacteria very intriguing and very fascinating. It really sheds light on how the whole world of microorganisms functions beneath what we really realize.