A HELPING HAND The Wellness Center offers the perfect environment to help students succeed.
For boys struggling with their time management skills, Academic and Wellness Specialist Eliza Rosenbloom recommends visiting the Marksman Wellness Center, located in Centennial Hall in C104.
“We’ll work a lot with guys on study skills, study scribe strategies, time management, you name it, we have it,” Rosenbloom said. “We try to meet the student where they are and find and tailor support to them.”
For many with jam-packed schedules, during busy weeks of the school year with assignments and assesments piling up, it can sometimes be stay on track.
And this is exactly where the Marksmen Wellness Center comes into play.
With the addition of Roosenbloom to the office this year, students now have access to an expert on time management and organizational skills, making these stressfull situations just a little bit easier.
Rosenbloom was drawn to the school because it tailored her interests in mental health and supporting children.
“14 is the age where symptoms of mental struggles start to appear,” Rosenbloom said. “I’ve always enjoyed working with kids, and this is something I’m interested in. I can help them earlier rather than wait until they’re really struggling in adulthood.”
At the beginning of the school year, the former Counseling Department was restructured into the Marksmen Wellness Center, redefining the home of the school’s guidance counselor and organizational experts.
This restructuring also added a student work space into the office.
Revamped to handle student’s time management skills, the Wellness Center is built to assist anyone on campus.
The room features school supplies and studying materials and can be reserved.
“The study room is available for individual and group studies,” Rosenbloom said. “Guys have come in here ahead of Spanish quizzes and written their conjugations on the whiteboard and have made it a really productive resource. We have many, many tools — calculators, pens, pencils, paper, highlighters — whatever you need to be your best self academically.”
With Dr. Gabby Reed, Director of Marksman Wellness, Bridgette Redondo-Doan, Lower School Counselor, and Upper School Counselor Dr. Mary Bonsu, the Center offers social and mental health support.
While many know the Counseling Department as a place to receive emotional help, now as the Wellness Center, having bolstered their academic assistance, the Center can leave leave an even greater impact.
“For academic support, we have Mrs. (Julie) Pechersky, who is the director of academic success, and then myself,” Rosenbloom said. “What I’ll usually help guys with is time management and study skills. Then we can tag team that mental and academic wellness to make it more holistic.”
Rosenbloom gives advice to students who may be nervous about going to the Counseling Office to ask for help.
“If you’re curious, just stop by,” Rosenbloom said. “If you have any questions, we’re happy to answer them. We have several tools. There’s a good amount of guys that have utilized the resource, so they’re welcome to ask their friends to see what their experience has been.”