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Whoop bands are worn on the wrist and help the athlete track their vital signs.
How much REM sleep did I get last night?
How much has my heart rate varied today?
How hydrated am I?
These are questions that most people do not think about on a daily basis. Yet, their answers reveal important details about how well the body is recovering, one of the most important aspects of ensuring high-level performance on the field.
One of the most popular ways athletes are tracking their recovery is the WHOOP health monitor. The monitor, which acts like a band and wraps around the user’s wrist, tracks a variety of metrics in the associated WHOOP app, and WHOOP wearers use these statistics to best aid their recovery.
Senior Nicholas Dickason is one of the quickly growing population of WHOOP users at St. Mark’s. “WHOOP tracks how much exercise I’ve done, how many calories I’ve burned, and a lot of other important information,” Dickason said.
The WHOOP band tracks a plethora of different metrics, such as heart rate and calories burned. What sets it apart from other watches, such as the Apple Watch or Fitbit, however, is the WHOOP specific statistics.
“The WHOOP tracks my strain, which is how much work my body has done and how tired it is,” Dickason said. “It also tracks my Heart Rate Variability, which indicates how ready my body is for exercise.”
Dickason’s favorite feature, however, is the sleep tracking feature. WHOOP’s sleep tracking technology not only tracks sleep duration and circadian rhythym, but also the duration of different stages of sleep, such as REM or deep sleep.
“This feature really separated WHOOP from other fitness watches,” Dickason said. Other watches only track how much time I’ve spent sleeping. WHOOP tracks how much time I’ve been in each stage, which is really cool.”
Because WHOOP’s sole purpose is to aid in physical activities and recovery, it eliminates the limitations and distractions that come with more general watches.
“The WHOOP has no screen, so it doesn’t ever distract me with games, apps, or notifications,” Dickason said. Also, the WHOOP has a portable charger, so it can charge while I wear it. This allows me to charge it while I sleep, which other watches can’t do.”
Although Dickason has only had his WHOOP band for a few months, he has already noticed a stark contrast between his performance before and after buying it.
“I’ve recovered a lot better since getting the WHOOP band,” Dickason said. “It has definitely helped me physically in all my activities.”