Photo courtesy Scott Peek
Director of Security Dale Hackbarth
Diretor of Security Dale Hackbarth’s work philosophy is centered on constant improvement. His experience and enthusiasm are what made him the perfect candidate to lead the school’s security department. It’s these qualities which have motivated him to develop new ways to keep this school safe, year after year. This year especially welcomes impressive changes to the school’s security measures.
The school’s security department can be characterized as adaptable. The staff is consistent in their focus and mission, but flexible in their methods. Amidst new gates and cameras updated with artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the most distinct change is the new staff team member.
“Brian Feinstein is another retiree, a Dallas Police retiree. This gives me a total of six retirees, with 107 years of law enforcement experience between them,” Hackbarth said.
Hackbarth’s ideal security guard requires three qualities: experience, professionalism and most importantly people skills.
“Experience and professionalism doesn’t do any good unless they have people skills,” Hackbarth said. “You’ve got to be able to communicate and talk and be comfortable around people and yet also have a presence.”
Hackbarth is uncompromising in his standards for the school’s guards, not only because he understands the gravity of their role, but also what it takes to play it.
“We have a very open and warm and welcoming campus, and that brings challenges,” Hackbarth said. “Challenges such as the fact that we have to be everywhere, and we have to be seen and visible out there to make this campus as safe as possible for students to learn and teachers to teach. Because of these challenges, it’s important for the security staff to be competent and willing to improve.”
Hackbarth attributes his motivation to the school’s community. In his eyes, the community and its harmony are what allow him and his team to be consistently focused and driven.
“The people here on campus are what drive me. From the students, to the parents, to the faculty, the staff and the administration. Everybody strives to do their best, because it does start from the top, and it trickles down and motivates everybody to put their best foot forward,” Hackbarth said.
For 35 years, Hackbarth has led the school’s security team along a path of progress. At first the school was a secondary job, a way to keep himself active when he wasn’t doing police work.
“With world events and with the increase of violence in schools especially, St. Mark’s approached me and offered to let me lead their security team with the promise of me getting to choose my own staff,” Hackbarth said. “It’s been a great, great relationship from there. ”
From then on Hackbarth didn’t look back. Considering how much time he and many members of the team have spent here, it’s impressive that they’ve maintained a sense of constant vigor and enthusiasm.
“I can only be the way I am because I tell myself every day that people are counting on me,” Hackbarth said.